What are the primary responsibilities of the person who will work in the library in the technical Services department?• Obtaining new contents for the library – the library which want to have always new users must make whatever in their power to buy the interesting items. (Klik) The person who wants to apply for the job must see the expectations of the users and be also a user of the books to understand the personality of the reader better and buy only the components which will be needed for the clients of the library.• Catalogue of the obtained data – if the contents are collected, it is moment to catalogue them. It must be completed very precisely to be simple find by the library users. The job should be done in the library computers as well as in the online catalogue.

• Store the materials – there are progressively items which demand to be kept on the internet. Here are lots users who use the contents only on the Internet so the digitalization is required in most of circumstances.
The work in the library is very quiet. It does not require lots of moment and dedication. Moreover, there are not numerous annoying clients and the individual will not have to work long hours. It is an offer for the person who is quite timid, love to work independently and love reading literature. http://www.zst.waw.pl/en/