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Great example of this sensation are IT outsourcing companies-SMT Software. Those branches are located mainly in poorer places, which are developing all the time, like India, Brasil, or Poland. Our country is mostly popular in this field, because technology universities in here are on very great, European level. that’s why, Android application development, which you’re using on your mobile phone, was probably created by IT experts from Poland. IT outsourcing companies are really popular, because in poorer countries, big corporations don’t have to pay the same money to the workers like in US or UK. But it isn’t any type of exploitation, cause our specialists has very nice salary for creating stuff like Android application development-back to reading. They paychecks are far bigger then normal ones of their friends from another businesses. Also, Offshore companies are creating thousands of new positions, not just for specialists from IT sector, but either for workers, such as cleaning lady and more. Beside, it is developing Polish economy.